Ramblings from two bunnies and two pugs.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Scarlett!!!

Today is my 3rd birthday. I can't remember if it's my real birthday or not, but this was the day last year that I was taken into shelter. They thought I was 2 years old then so I am 3 years old this year. For my birthday I got a cupcake, some new toys, a new sweater vest and pig ear chews. I also got in plenty of naps. It's turning out to be an awesome day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ella's New Tag and Collar

Of course Mama had to order me a new custom collar and tag. After all, I am her princess. Look at the prettiness I got on Monday!

First, the tag. Flower shaped to match the flowers on the print of my new collar.
Close up of the gorgeous removable flower accessory on the flower print collar.

Isn't it stylish?
Of course, Mama couldn't stop taking pictures. There are a ton, but I'll share just 2 more of my favorite shots. I love being me!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bunnicula turns 4!

Tomorrow is Bunnicula's birthday! Or as close to an educated guess as Mama can make. He'll be turning 4. In honor of his birthday, the hoomans surprised him and Cleo with a weekend getaway. They will be staying at the luxurious Georgia House Rabbit Society for 6 glorious days and nights. There will be plenty of room for binkying, lots of new toys to play with, and perhaps a guests or two to befriend. They are going to have a marvelous time. Meanwhile, Dr. Dooley will be visiting a former foster home and the girls are going to stay with their friend, Prim (the pomeranian). We will miss our hoomans, but we will have lots of adventures to share when we get back.

Bunnicula, Cleo and their dog, Fluffy, are all packed and ready to go.
The buns arrived safely and check out their suite to be sure it is satisfactory.

Fluffy found a comfy spot to lounge while Bunnicula commences grooming himself in the hay box, and Cleo checks to see if there are guests next door.

Much love,
Bunnicula, Cleo, Dr. Dooley, Ella & Scarlett

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms of furbabies!

We spent a quiet day at home. In the afternoon, Daddy took the whole family to the park to fly kites and enjoy the beautiful weather. We sat with Mama on the picnic blanket watching other hoomans and other dogs. Then we visited the playground where all the hoomans fawned over us. They all said we were sweet and cute. It was a great time. Hope all of our pet mom friends have a great Mother's Day!

Much love,
Bunnicula, Cleo, Dr. Dooley, Ella, and Scarlett

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Basic Training Graduates

Scarlett has been taking basic obedience training to get ready for the Canine Good Citizen test. She and Mama just finished the first 5 week course on Monday. On Tuesday they started the next level up. Scarlett has come along with her training and pays attention well. The command "Stay" is Scarlett's nemesis. She loves to be with Mama. Although on Tuesday she actually managed to complete a "Stay" in the "Down" position 4 times for a few minutes each time while Mama moved around her. They still have a lot of work ahead of them, but Mama feels that Scarlett may be ready for her Canine Good Citizen test at the end of June. Fingers crossed! First Canine Good Citizen, then training to become a therapy dog. Go Scarlett!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Three Weeks!

Tomorrow, it will be officially 3 weeks since Ella arrived. Ella and Scarlett are getting along like best buds. It is so wonderful to witness. It feels as though Ella has always been with us. She has such a fun, spunky, friendly, snuggly personality. Anyone would fall in love with her at first meeting. She loves to be near Mama or Scarlett much of the day and can often been seen snuggling with Scarlett for naps. The two girls play together all day. Ella loves to play. Her favorite games are chase, wrestle, catch, tug, and fetch. Yes, she actually fetches which is rare for a pug. She will bring a toy to Mama or Daddy and when they throw it, she goes after it and brings it back to drop in their laps to do it again. The whole family adores her. She is even nice to Bunnicula and Cleo. She has been very interested in meeting the bunnies close up, but Mama was afraid she might be too rambunctious so meetings are very carefully supervised. Mama will hold onto Ella as she sniffs the bunnies and gives them licks on their heads. Bunnicula and Cleo do not seem to mind this attention at all. They probably think she is being submissive to them by grooming them. Here are some recent sweet pictures of our new princess.

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's Official!

It's official! Ella is now a true member of the family. Mama and Daddy finalized her adoption this morning. Sweet girl is healing well so far from her surgery. She is back to being her spunky, playful self, but Mama says she needs to have some more rest and not be too active. Poor Ella has to stay in the crate because she gets too excited and wants to play when she's out of it. Look at those sad eyes!